Ethics Matters News

Changes in the Ethics Commission
The New Year brings a change of faces on the County’s Ethics Commission.
After 7 years, many of them as Chairman, Bob Mueller retired from the Commission in December.   The Ethics Commission and the County have clearly profited from his leadership.   His insistence on a careful reading of the relevant parts of the County’s Ethics code prior to giving advice or making a decision should be his legacy, benefiting both the
Ethics Commission itself and County officials and employees. Mr. Mueller met with new employees and
officials and introduced them to the County’s Ethics Law, answering questions and clearing up concerns and confusion. He took his service on the Ethics Commission seriously, investing considerable time and thought in its deliberations, advisories and opinions, and by doing so helped all of us understand the role and importance of the Ethics Commission. Bob Mueller deserves both our respect and our appreciation for his service to the County.

Dale Anderson, who has been serving as an alternate to the Commission has been appointed as its fifth member. Mary Roby of Centreville will replace Mr. Anderson as the alternate.

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Posted on 08 Jan 2014 by admin
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