Ethics Matters News

Changes in the Ethics Commission

Over the past year there have been a number of changes in the Ethics Commission.  Lynn Knight, longtime counsel to the Commission, left to become Judge of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne's County.  She has been replaced by Crystal Richard, an attorney with Thompson and Richard in Centreville.  Willl Mudock was appointed in May, and Matt Baxter became a member as of January 1, 2021.  They join Commission members Kaarin Salissbury, Valerie Hirsch, Jerry Jordan, and Patricia Jamison.  Stan Ruddie, who had served as Chair of the Commission, retired from the Commission as of January 1.

Tina Miles, longtime clerk to the Ethics Commission, is retiring from her County duties, but fortunately will continue on as Clerk to the Ethics Commision as a contract employee.  She has been with the Commission since its creation in 1983, and has been there as the Ethics Code has evolved and the Commission members changed.  The Commission is fortunate to have her institutional knowledge and continuing support.

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Posted on 18 Jan 2021 by Mary
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